Set at the base of the device Crownscope Explorer with ample opportunities for research
This kit is designed for people who are in constant inner search and strive for self-development. This program package helps to monitor your own energy state and energy condition of your close people as well as track the work of energy centres at any time. While in spiritual search, you will be able to choose best ways of self-development individually. These can be yoga practices, meditations, listening to the music, colour therapy, rest and travel and any other method which will help to improve psychoenergy and physical state. A set of preventive recommendations to minimize health risks is formed as a result. Psychosomatic analysis in 4D (with the possibility to announce the body state) is included into the kit. Evaluation of the state of the energy channels (meridians) in 3D extends the analysis and allows influencing them and compare the results “before” and “after” treatments. You will always be able to track inner changes and increase in energy levels at good times. The kit allows assessing mutual influence of groups of people and exploring collective interactions on energy level.